Saturday, August 4, 2018

When the police were called on me for looking at someone

Did I ever tell you about the time my upstairs neighbor called the police on me because I dared to look at her, and then record her, from inside my own home?

Instead of just going to her car and to work, which is where she was headed, she decided that she needed to call the police because I was overstepping my boundaries.

This the ultimate in privileged behavior. This 20-something Asian woman had been rude and disrespectful towards me -- someone at least 25 years older than her -- since Day 1. And on this day, she feels the need to call the authorities to correct my behavior.

All I was doing was standing inside my home looking at her. 

When she called the police, I started recording. (The first person you see is her partner, the woman talking is not showing her face.)

Some background: It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving last year and I was off from work, trying to enjoy my morning. This person and her partner are my upstairs neighbors and they are arguing all morning. Slamming doors, yelling, etc. Then they started stomping up and down the stairs. So I'm thinking they are fighting or something so I crack open my door. Just as I do, this person is standing there and says "May I help you?" So I open my door fully and say, "Nope I'm fine. Just looking to see what all the noise is about."

She went into a tirade about how I can't be looking at them and I'm stalking them. We have a contentious history about their neglected and barking dog (more on that to come later) but I'm not hardly about to be the brunt of her anger that day. So I tell her I can open my door and look out of it. That's when she calls the police.

My attitude is pretty much just disbelief and slight amusement. I can't believe this woman thinks the police need to be called to tell me that looking at her is unacceptable. 

This is her calling in late to her job. I will answer her false allegations by saying I have no idea why this woman thinks I'm an alcoholic or unpredictable (we have no relationship) and I have never threatened her. Check out her partner's face while she's making up these stories.

So this is the woman, Trisha Kim, and her partner, Alyssa Wimbley. I am identifying them because they both participated in physically attaching me just days later. When the police did not come on this day, this woman confronted me the Saturday after Thanksgiving. As I stood at my door, she opened my door and charged at me in a fit of rage. The police were called, citations were issued and court dates were made. I will post more about it soon.

When the police were called on me for looking at someone

Did I ever tell you about the time my upstairs neighbor called the police on me because I dared to look at her, and then record her, from in...