Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Shadows and Light

Hey ya’ll. Auntie is evolving. 

In approaching this new blog, I received an understanding. I must embrace the shadows in order to move into the light.

Now I’m not going to get all new-agey on you. But we all know that there is joy and pain, yin and yang, darkness and light. Opposing forces of energy that find balance.

Well I’ve been hurting. And I’ve been angry. And I’ve been so busy convincing myself that I was too strong, brave or at-peace to be bothered. But how can I process pain that I do not acknowledge?

I now know I have to feel in order to heal.

So I write. I write to examine the turmoil – both inside myself and outside in this world. I write to face the feelings that I’ve been running away from.

And the anger comes out. And I embrace the shadows.

Then the healing comes. And I embrace the light.

And as I share some of my shadows and light with you, I will try to bring balance. For every post I write about my community and how we gotta do better, I will also be willing to look within and examine how I can grow and improve.

Thanks for taking this journey of healing with me.

More posts coming soon…

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